Interest Rate For Home Loan (House Building Loan)
All Rate are floating only
(Base Rate= 10.00% p.a.)
Loan Amount Linkage with Base Rate over Effective Rate
the tenor of the loan
Upto Rs. 30.00 lacs 0.75% above Base Rate 10.75% p.a.*
Above Rs. 30.00 lacs 1.00% above Base Rate 11.00% p.a.*
and upto Rs. 75.00 lacs
Above Rs. 75.00 lacs 1.25% above Base Rate 11.25% p.a.*
No fixed rate option in any limit bracket.
* A concession of 0.25% in card interest rate over the tenor of Home Loan is available under ongoing special Home Loan campaign upto 30.09.2012.
All Rate are floating only
(Base Rate= 10.00% p.a.)
Loan Amount Linkage with Base Rate over Effective Rate
the tenor of the loan
Upto Rs. 30.00 lacs 0.75% above Base Rate 10.75% p.a.*
Above Rs. 30.00 lacs 1.00% above Base Rate 11.00% p.a.*
and upto Rs. 75.00 lacs
Above Rs. 75.00 lacs 1.25% above Base Rate 11.25% p.a.*
No fixed rate option in any limit bracket.
* A concession of 0.25% in card interest rate over the tenor of Home Loan is available under ongoing special Home Loan campaign upto 30.09.2012.