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Why one day strike and then 4 days strike?

AIBOC reveal in their circular ..........

Comrades, we have been receiving lot many queries about the decision of single day strike of 7th January, 2015.

 We would like to inform the background which led to the decision of one day strike.
 IBA, vide their Letter No. CIR/HR & IR/XBPS-1/996 dated 2nd December, 2014,
had advised the member banks to update their respective Boards on the present status 
of the wage negotiations developments, its financial implications and if felt necessary,
 revisit the mandate. 

This being a very serious development was discussed in the Working Committee Meeting of Confederation held on 8th December, 2014, at Delhi. 
The Central Office drafted a letter and sent to all its Affiliates for onward submission 
to the Management of the respective Banks to thwart IBA’s tactics of delaying Wage Revision 
and also to obviate the possibility of tinkering with the earlier mandate. 
It was also decided that the same stand would be taken by our Representatives on the boards, 
when the agenda comes for discussion. 

Comrades, this indeed is a very grave development which cannot be ignored. 
The UFBU Constituents met in Mumbai, on 17th December, 2014, subsequent to conciliation talks.
 One of the constituent of UFBU apprised of having taken a decision to call for one day strike 
on this issue and wanted other constituents to join the strike.

 We expressed our view and apprehensions over the effectiveness of one day strike, 
as the issue would have been placed and discussed in many Bank’s Boards by then. 
Since the Affiliate was firm to go on one day strike in first week of January, 2015, 
UFBU decided to observe the strike on 7th January, 2015, for the sake of solidarity 
and to avoid any confusion. 

Comrades, the call of four days strike from 21st to 24th January, 2015 is unprecedented 
and unheard in the history of Banking Industry as a whole. 
The dates are preceding two holidays as 25th January being Sunday and 
26th January a National Holiday. 
Consequently, the Banking will come to a grinding halt for six days. 
Our membership have long being demanding an action like this, but comrades, 
for winning a bigger battle, many small wars have to be won. 
A lot of preparations are required to be undertaken for making our call a tremendous success. 
A thorough action programme is required to be chalked out for preparation at the grass root level. 
Let each one of us make it a mission to make the strike call a huge success 
so that its impact shakes the walls of apathy of the higher authorities. 
This is our fervent appeal to each member of ours, to implement 
all the joint agitational calls given by UFBU religiously.

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